Picture of student selling a gun

"Hey man! I heard you had some trouble today. I've got your problem-solver right here. Fifty bucks and you won't have to take no crap off nobody."

What do you say to him? (Try a wrong one)
  1. "I've got forty. Take it or leave it." Put the gun in your waistband and pull your shirt over it.

  2. Say, "I don't want it!" Shove the guy away and run.

  3. Say, "A gun doesn't solve anything. I don't want it. Put it away." Back away with your hands in front of you. Tell a teacher or trusted adult. Use a report-a-gun number if there is a phone you can use.

  4. "Nah. Not today..." Don't tell anyone but your best friend. You don't want this guy mad at you.